Creates a new instance.
Creates a new instance.
whether menu bar should be present
whether status bar should be present
whether tool bar should be present
whether popup window should be resizable
Creates a new PopupFeatures from its JavaFX counterpart.
Creates a new PopupFeatures from its JavaFX counterpart.
JavaFX PopupFeatures.
JavaFX PopupFeatures.
JavaFX PopupFeatures.
Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.
Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.
Object to be compared.
if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.
Returns whether menu bar should be present.
Returns whether status bar should be present.
Returns whether tool bar should be present.
The delegate hashcode
Returns whether popup window should be resizable.
Returns the original delegate's toString()
adding a [SFX]
Wraps JavaFX PopupFeatures