This event occurs when a script calls the JavaScript alert function.
Common supertype for all Web event types.
This event occurs when a script changes location of the JavaScript window object.
This event occurs when a script changes status line text.
This event occurs when a script changes visibility of the JavaScript window object.
Converts a ScalaFX WebEvent to its JavaFX counterpart.
Converts a ScalaFX WebEvent to its JavaFX counterpart.
ScalaFX WebEvent
JavaFX WebEvent
(Since version 8.0.60-R10) Use Alert; ALERT will be removed in a future release
(Since version 8.0.60-R10) Use Any; ANY will be removed in a future release
(Since version 8.0.60-R10) Use Resized; RESIZED will be removed in a future release
(Since version 8.0.60-R10) Use StatusChanged; STATUS_CHANGED will be removed in a future release
(Since version 8.0.60-R10) Use VisibilityChanged; VISIBILITY_CHANGED will be removed in a future release
Companion object for scalafx.scene.web.WebEvent.