How donations work


Donations to the ScalaFX project are processed through Paypal. Funds are made to and under the control of the project leader (currently Stephen Chin). We are not a non-profit organization at this time, so you cannot deduct taxes on your donation. If you are still interested in contributing, read on.

How Do I Make Donations?Permalink

Click this button, enter an amount, and select your preferred payment option:


What Donations Are Used ForPermalink

Donations will be used for any of the following purposes:

  • Spot incentives for contributing members (books, software, devices, beer)
  • Travel and expenses for qualifying speaking engagements (need to get the word out)
  • Hosting and advertising costs for infrastructure

What Is In It For Me? (And My Company)Permalink

A good feeling that you are helping make the world a better place (or rewarding those who do).

If you are a company and you want something more tangible, please contact Stephen Chin to become a project sponsor. With a qualifying project sponsorship, you will get the following benefits:

  • Promotional placement on the website, documentation, and all presentations
  • Priority defect fixes
  • 24/7 Support (basically the cell phone number of one of the lead developers)