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ScalaFX - Ensemble

Application which showcases various capabilities of ScalaFx written in ScalaFX itself ....

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ScalaFX - Ensemble.

ScalaFX Ensemble is a project which is inspired from which is developed in JavaFX. Instead this project is developed in ScalaFX. We know that it looks slightly different from the JavaFx Ensemble we are working towards it thus making it as better as possible !!!!

Update 2019-11-09

Native installers for Windows, Mac OS, and Unix/Linux are available in ScalaFX Ensemble v.1.14.0. Downloads are available on the Releases page.

Update 2013-10-29

All of the examples were updated to make best use of current version of ScalaFX (1.0.0-M7-SNAPSHOT). There were also some improvements to the ScalaFX Ensemble application: there is a new button to save an example as a complete SBT project, layout of the application and presentation of examples was improved. Below are some latest screen shots:

ScalaFX Ensemble Application - Demo navigation
ScalaFX Ensemble Application - Demo tab
ScalaFX Ensemble Application - Demo source


We are done with the most of the controls in the ScalaFx (including charts,grapics2d). However all these are bleeding edge releases as we are looking forward for the first level of launch of ScalaFx API. On case to case basis we jump-in to fix any issues in the API itself. Again stay tuned ....

latest screenshot


We made some more progress on creating more examples here is the latest screenshot. We are looking forward to release stay tuned !!!!

latest screen shot

Latest Screen Shot

We are very actively working to get the first release out. But to keep you posted here is the latest screenshot. We are working on dashboard and other goodies stay tuned for further updates

latest screenshot